Last night as I was driving to my cousins home a news report came over the radio. Victoria Station, one of the main rail transport hubs in London if not the UK was shut due to a stabbing which involved like so many others a gang confrontation. I shook my head in disgust and spoke out to myself asking 'how many more?'.

The next day I picked up a mainstream newspaper expecting the incident to dominate front page news, but it did not. In fact it was relegated to the inner most part of this particular tabloid and would quite easily be skimmed over were it not for the eye catching headlines.

A 15 year old  child dies in such a violent incident and it does not even make front page!!

I remember once listening to a veteran that was lucky enough to return home from the 1960's/70's Vietnam war. He said, "What worried me was the way violence seemed to have little effect on some soldiers who were caught up in the thick of it".

What worries me about the Victoria incident is that we as a society seem to be rapidly developing an immunity to such youth crimes.

We are approaching a General election and it is time we pushed for these type of crimes to be placed at the top of the political agenda. Seems we are more interested in polls and TV debates than real issues such as the degeneration of youth culture in inner city Britain.