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Remember me 
View Article  Arsenal V Huddersfield Sunday 30th Jan 2011
I sense an upset!!!
View Article  The Funeral of Vernal Scott

It was great meeting up with friends at the Funeral today. Some of you are getting old....!!


View Article  Album Requests

Do you have the albums 'Paradise' and 'Worl'd Midnight'?

Get in touch with me



2 Attachments
View Article  A Fast week
A very fast week at the factory and extremely busy. I will not even think about next week. Almost end of January......will be Xmas soon.
View Article  The American Dream


Publishers confirmed today that my book is available in the States. If you are readung this from State side you can buy on line if you go to or try the Barnes and Noble site. You can also order from any US bookstore, or it may even be on the shelves of one or two.

I may even fly over one day to conduct book signings and promote on Radio or TV. If you are willing to sponsor me then please contact me via my website. I am not fussy, just require first class or a private jet if anyone can spare.

Until next time.


PS Oprah, I am ready for the interview now!!


View Article  BBC Radio Interview

Hi Guys,

Enjoyed my interview on BBC Radio London 96.4 FM...Dotun Adebayo Sunday evening show. I went on at 9:30pm, after the main theme of the night which was the New Cross fire 30 Years anniversary. If you missed the show I believe it is replayed for a week on the web....BBC Radio page...check it out.


BTW Happy New Year!!
